Monday, August 19, 2013

Imperial War Museum

The date and time has been set to hand over my grandfather's military documents to the IWM in London. This will be the final chapter in my book - taking my grandfather back to his home country.

I am to meet with the document curator at 11:00 am on Friday, September 6th. It will be the morning after I give my speech to the London branch of the Western Front Association so between these two events I'll be a basket-case.

On Sept 6th, 1914 my grandfather recorded the following:

September 6th

We were advancing, occupied a position east of [the town] of VOINSLES [so that we could] cover advance of [the] 3rd and 5th Cavalry Brigades. [We] moved forward and occupied [ the] line [between] Le PLESSIS, and ANDNOY. 

I dismounted behind the house and went inside, there I first saw house sacked by the Germans, [and] everything was destroyed. Outside I saw one of the Coldstream guards, killed by shrapnel, poor chap.

I thought then, I wondered if this means the breaking of a woman’s heart, or had he little children. It was my first close contact with a dead man, and it set me thinking. My thoughts were all with my dear ones at home. I shall always remember that hour, my real first initiation into the horrors of war. I cannot say I was afraid, it all seemed so strange, but we were advancing that was our cry we’ve got’em on the run, and we are going to have our own back. – bivouacked south of VOUDNOY.[i]

[i] Coxen, Fred G.

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