Sunday, November 25, 2012

Searching For Knowledge

Does anyone in cyber land know anyone that served in the 43rd Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery from 1905 through 1919? Names I'm looking for

  1. Someone with the first or last name of Collins
  2. George Millington
  3. Someone with the last name of Taylor that died in one of the battles of Ypres
  4. Percy Bramwell
  5. Lt Marshall
  6. Hodges (RFA Lube off man)
  7. Bruce that was a famous runner that served in the Gordon Highlands in the battle of First Ypres
  8. Major Baird of the Gordon Highlanders
  9. Lt Richie
  10. A chap by the name of Billison served in 40 battery
  11. Any Canadian artillery that fought in the battle of Second Ypres about April 26th, whose friends were bayoneted while they slept during Second Ypres around St Jean?
  12.  General Finley
  13. Colonel Shape
  14. Men served in the 51st battery
  15. Major Madocks 

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